Our Staff


Eric PEDERSEN | Director of Sales and Purchasing Eric Pedersen hails from the Midwest, where he studied 20th Century American History in college and 20th Century American Literature in graduate school. He began his bookselling life at Bauman Rare Books’ Las Vegas gallery in 2008 and currently works in the gallery in New York City. Other than Ben Franklin’s Autobiography (which he didn’t finish), he can’t remember the last book he read written before 1900. As those who know him are (sometimes painfully) aware, he does not need a reason to start talking about William Gaddis, Thomas Pynchon, Something Happened, Ernest Hemingway, Revolutionary Road, Cormac McCarthy, David Foster Wallace, or Kurt Vonnegut, and so on… Recent favorites are Lauren Groff and Colson Whitehead.


DAVID CUNNINGHAM | BOOKSELLER David holds Master Degrees in History and Library Science. After living overseas for a few years, he joined Bauman Books in 2001. Some of his favorite authors include Jorge Luis Borges, Leo Perutz, and Robert Aickman. When not in the gallery, he enjoys travelling and spending time with his family. He can be found most evenings reading books as diverse as the Decameron to Conan the Barbarian. He shares with Borges the hope that Paradise will be a kind of library - or more to the point, an enormous ramshackle used bookstore stuffed full of serendipitous discoveries.


ALLISON MACINTOSH | BOOKSELLER A graduate of NYU’s Institute of Fine Arts, Allison holds a Master of Arts in Art history and Archeology. She specializes in Classical and Renaissance history and literature, but her interests are ever-changing. With an undergraduate degree in Classics from Trinity College in Hartford, CT, Allison has excavated ancient sites in the Middle East and studied extensively in Italy. She traces her love of literature to the escapades of Nancy Drew, but she grew to revere the authors and historians of antiquity, and to adore the witty and romantic novels of Jane Austen. Since joining Bauman Rare Books in the fall of 2016, Allison is committed to learning everything left in-between.

Leah Shoer

Leah Shoer | Bookseller Leah joined Bauman Rare Books in 2017 after graduating with a B.A. from New York University. She majored in English Literature, with a concentration in Irish Literature — finding herself particularly drawn to the ingenuity of James Joyce’s novels and the lyricism of Yeats’ poetry. She studied the great English classics during her semester at the University of Edinburgh, but continued on to read widely in American Literature, supplemented by the great works by political and economic philosophers of the 18th and 19th centuries. If you were to inquire after her favorite book, she couldn’t possibly answer, the list is too long—but Middlemarch and Blood Meridian are definitely on it.

Zachary Hyde

Zachary Hyde | Bookseller Zac joined Bauman in early 2019 after completing his Masters in Medieval Literature and Languages at the University of York in the UK. A Medievalist, he is sure to love almost any book relating to Norse mythology or Arthurian legend. In bookstores he usually finds himself gravitating towards writers inspired by the Middle Ages, like John Gardner, T. H. White, and J. R. R. Tolkien. As a South Carolinian, he is also drawn to writers of the American South, especially Flannery O’Connor. When not reading, researching, or discussing books, he enjoys writing, frequenting his favorite coffee shops, and traveling with his lovely wife, Amelia.