Illustrated - Art, Photography, Architecture, Rare Books
The Illustrative Processes: Etching
Etching falls under the intaglio and engraving category of printmaking, where the printing press applies great force to push ink into lines. Though an etching is an engraving, not all… Read more
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Illustrated - Art, Photography, Architecture, Travel
Captain Brinkley’s Japan
The Meiji era (1868-1912) was marked by Japan’s opening to the West, to the new Western technology as well as Western ideas of modernization. During this crucial time in the… Read More

Illustrated - Art, Photography, Architecture, Travel
Three Visionaries of The American West
VISION. Not only the ability to see, but the ability to see far, sight unlimited by society’s blinders and smokescreens. Occasionally, even, to glimpse the future. Gazing westward in the… Read More