January 2024 Catalogue

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 4 16 DELUXE SIGNED LIMITED EDITION OF RACKHAM’S ILLUSTRATED IRISH FAIRY TALES, ONE OF ONLY 520 SIGNED BY RACKHAM 16. (RACKHAM, Arthur) STEPHENS, James. Irish Fairy Tales. London, 1920. Large, thick quarto, original half vellum; custom slipcase. $4600 Deluxe signed limited first edition, one of only 520 copies signed by Rackham, with 16 wonderful color plates mounted on cream stock and 21 in-text line illustrations. “Rackham’s fanciful imagination gave his illustrations instant recognition, and his dedication to illustration kept him in the public eye for thirty years” (Hodnett, 233). His lively rendition of Stephens’ Tales exploits those present-day advances in color printing that “enabled him to use subtle tints and muted tones to represent age and timelessness” (Houfe, 268). Latimore & Haskell, 52. Riall, 138. Bookplates. Upper corner gently bumped, lower corners lightly rubbed. A near-fine, lovely copy.