June 2023 Catalogue

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S S U M M E R 2 0 2 3 17 “THINGS WORTH READING… THINGS WORTH THE WRITING”: HANDSOMELY BOUND SET OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN’S WRITINGS 17. FRANKLIN, Benjamin. Writings of Benjamin Franklin. New York: Macmillan, 1905-07. Ten volumes. Octavo, contemporary three-quarter black crushed morocco gilt, raised bands, green and red morocco spine labels, top edge gilt, uncut. $6000 Handsomely bound ten-volume set of Franklin's writings, with frontispiece portraits in each volume, over 15 plates and folding plates, and a double-page map. "Poor Richard said: 'If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading or do things worth the writing.' Franklin did both… Franklin spent his !rst 42 years as a tradesman and businessman and his second 42 years as a natural philosopher, public servant and statesman. He was the most practical and perhaps the sanest of all the idealistic visionaries who have committed their lives to doing good for humankind" (ANB). This collection, arranged chronologically, includes an extensive selection of Franklin's letters in addition to his famed Autobiography, writings from Poor Richard's Almanac, and Franklin's scienti!c and political writings. With an extensive essay in Volume I on Franklin's writings by Albert Henry Smith and introductions by Smith in each volume. Clendenning 36. Fine condition.