Spring 2024 Catalogue

HISTORY, SCIENCE & PHILOSOPHY 68 First edition in English of one of the classic works on ancient Rome. Scarce and desirable. Appian of Alexandria, Greek historian of the conquests by Rome from the republican period into the 2nd century AD, held public office in Alexandria, where he witnessed the Jewish insurrection in 116 AD. After gaining Roman citizenship he went to Rome, practiced as a lawyer, and at an advanced age became a procurator. Appian wrote in Greek this Romaica, or history of Rome, in 24 books, arranged ethnographically according to the peoples conquered by the Romans. The books that survive in complete form deal with Spain, Carthage, Illyria, Syria, Hannibal, Mithradates, and the Roman civil wars from the Gracchi onward. Appian's first book on the civil wars, dealing with the period from Tiberius Gracchus (tribune 133 BC) to Sulla (d. 78 BC), is a major historical source (Britannica). “Since Appian’s narrative of the civil wars ends with the death of Sextus Pompey, Barker decided to supplement the account with material from Plutarch. Subsequently, William Shakespeare used Barker’s Appian when writing Antony and Cleopatra and especially Julius Caesar” (Wilson, Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece). See Pforzheimer 9. Text generally clean. A few pages trimmed close along upper edge, slightly affecting headlines. Small closed tears to title page skillfully repaired; final two leaves with professional repairs along fore-edge. Beautiful Riviere morocco-gilt binding with a few small marks to front panel. “All The Degrees Of Sedition, And All The Effects Of Ambition” 75APPIAN OF ALEXANDRIA. An Auncient Historie and Exquisite Chronicle of the Romanes Warres, both Ciuile and Foren. London, 1578. Two parts bound in one volume. Small quarto, 19th-century full dark green crushed morocco gilt. $18,500 ”When the Romaines first conquered Italy, whych they did by little & little, they toke part of the land, and buylded new Cities, or sent of their owne people to inhabite the old, that by this meane, they might be sure of the country…”