Spring 2024 Catalogue

TRAVEL & EXPLORATION 90 “Celebrated In History As The Scene Of Many Obstinate Conflicts” 97SPILSBURY, Francis B. Picturesque Scenery in the Holy Land and Syria. London, 1823. Quarto, 19th-century full olive morocco gilt. $4200 Third edition, the first quarto edition Spilsbury’s account of his travels in the Holy Land and Syria during the Napoleonic campaigns there, with 19 finely hand-colored aquatint views. Spilsbury was surgeon on board HMS Tigre during the campaigns of 1799 and 1800. The Tigre brought Sir William Sidney Smith to defend Acre against Napoleon’s siege, and led a naval force in support of Turkish armies which finally relieved Acre, and his text gives some account of the military campaigns and the Turkish dignitaries. The magnificent views are mostly connected with the coastal towns of modern Lebanon and Israel, though several are from Spilsbury’s travels inland. First published in folio in 1803 and again in 1819. Plates and text fine, light rubbing to spine extremities, spine mellowed to brown. A near-fine copy with vividly hand-colored plates. “Helped To Awaken The British To The Glories Of Their Coastline” 98(ENGLAND) TURNER, J.M.W. Picturesque Views on the Southern Coast of England… London, 1826. Two volumes in one. Quarto, contemporary full dark blue polished calf gilt. $2800 First edition of this picturesque tour of the southern coast of England, with 48 full-page copperengravings—38 after drawings by J.M.W. Turner— and 32 copper-engraved vignettes (two after Turner), desirable in full contemporary calf-gilt. “This book, 40 of the engravings in which are after Turner, appeared in parts between 1814 and 1826. It thus ran in double harness with William Daniell’s Voyage Round Great Britain, and the two works between them helped to awaken the British to the glories of their coastline. The Southern Coast ranks immediately after the Liber Studiorum and Picturesque Views in England and Wales among books illustrated by Turner with engravings on copper” (Ray). Only occasional faint foxing; plates and text generally quite clean. Corners with expert restoration. An excellent copy in contemporary calf.