American Chesterfield


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Item#: 89521 price:$900.00

American Chesterfield
American Chesterfield


(CHESTERFIELD, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of). The American Chesterfield, or Way to Wealth, Honour and Distinction; Being Selections from the Letters of Lord Chesterfield to his Son, and Extracts from other eminent Authors on the subject of Politeness: with Alterations and Additions Suited to the Youth of the United States. Philadelphia: John Grigg, 1827. 16mo, contemporary full brown sheep, black morocco spine label. $900.

Early edition of this guide to manners, with frontispiece engraving, together with an illustrated guide to “The Honour of the Table” that includes extensive information on carving.

Chesterfield’s letters to his son consisted of carefully considered instruction in all branches of learning and the social graces, enriched by personal essays on history and the classics. “Chesterfield’s achievements betray a brilliance of intellectual gifts and graces” (DNB). This advice collection presents similar maxims on such topics as Modesty, Good Breeding, the Art of Pleasing, Cleanliness of Person, Dignity of Manners, and Elegance of Expression. Bound together with John Trusler’s The Honour of the Table, from the same publisher and continuously paginated, and featuring 26 in-text wood engravings illustrating “The Whole Art of Carving.”

Text with light soiling, occasional dampstaining, some wear; contemporary calf worn. A very good copy.

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