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Item#: 10545 price:$2,200.00



ROGERS, Samuel. Poems. WITH: Italy. A Poem. London: Cadell and Moxon, 1834. Four volumes. Octavo, full crimson morocco, elaborately gilt-tooled spines and covers, raised bands, gilt-ruled dentelles, all edges gilt. $2200.

First editions, inscribed by the author to the illustrator, in a beautiful signed binding by J. Mackenzie, bookbinder to the King.

"Rogers's title to a place among the representatives of the most brilliant age… of English poetry cannot now be challenged" (DNB). Original June 1905 Henry Sotheran catalogue description and original July 5, 1905 bill-of-sale loosely laid in, describing these copies as "Lord Ashburton's beautiful extra-illustrated copies… first editions, with earliest impressions of the exquisite engravings by Finden after Turner and Stothard… further illustrated with about 170 beautiful portraits and plates (many proofs before letters on India paper), and over 100 charming vignettes… the whole extended to 4 vols…. beautifully bound by Mackenzie… The original titles have been cancelled, and specially printed ones substituted to agree with the enlarged number of volumes. 'Italy' is one of the earliest copies, in which the head and tail pieces to 'Arqua' (pp. 88 and 91) are transposed. Vol. I bears on the flyleaf the following inscription in the poet's neat handwriting: Sir, Pray accept my best acknowledgement for the Honour you have done me in the Illustration of these Volumes. To every page you have given an Interest which it had not before. Your obliged & faithful Servt. Saml. Rogers. June 21. 1837." Lord Ashburton is apparently either Alexander Baring (1774-1848) who, as English commissioner to the United States in 1842, concluded the Ashburton treaty, or his son, William Bingham Baring (1799-1864) whose homes at Alresford and Piccadilly "became centres of life for many eminent men in politics and literature and especially for Charles Buller, Thackeray, and Carlyle" (DNB).

Volume I with expert joint repairs. A splendid and important first edition presentation/association set.

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