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Biur Maspik (commentary to Had Gadyah, song from Haggadah)

HAGGADAH   |   Asher Anshil WORMS

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Item#: 35059 price:$750.00

Biur Maspik (commentary to Had Gadyah, song from Haggadah)
Biur Maspik (commentary to Had Gadyah, song from Haggadah)


WORMS, Asher Anshel. Biur Maspik [Commentary to the "Had Gadyah" Seder Song]. London: Alexander ben Judah Leib and Son, (1785). Small octavo, later marbled wrappers; ff. 16. $750.

First edition of Worms’ commentary on the song, beloved by children, which closes the Passover Seder service.

In 1723, Asher (1695-1759), an esteemed German physician and Hebrew author, was appointed physician at the Jewish hospital at Frankfort on the Main, a position he occupied until his death. He was interested in and wrote on a wide range of subjects: mathematics, physics, logic, ethics, metaphysics, grammar, and, particularly, Hebrew literature and the masorah. Had Gadyah appeared for the first time in the Prague Haggadah in 1590; it was incorporated into the Haggadah to keep the children's interest through to the end of the Seder. Vinograd, London 107. Yaari 213. Yudlov 319. Owner signature to title page (smudged).

Closed tear to front flyleaf (blank). Minor wormholing along inner margins, not affecting text, otherwise interior generally clean. Light rubbing to extremities of wrappers. A very good copy. Scarce.

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