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Two typed letters signed, with photograph

Bernard M. BARUCH   |   Franklin D., Jr. ROOSEVELT

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Item#: 50058 price:$850.00

Two typed letters signed, with photograph
Two typed letters signed, with photograph
Two typed letters signed, with photograph
Two typed letters signed, with photograph


ROOSEVELT, Franklin D., Jr. BARUCH, Bernard. Two typed letters signed, with photograph. No place, 1944-49. Octavo, typed letters signed, each 7 by 9 inches, typing on recto only, with photograph 7 by 9 inches. $850.

Original letters and photograph framed together, one letter signed by Bernard Baruch, the other by Franklin Roosevelt, Jr., with photograph of FDR Jr. and Bernard Baruch sitting together, inscribed by the president’s son and Baruch.

The letter from Bernard Baruch, dated October 10, 1944, is to Morris V. Rosenbloom, who later went on to write a biography of Baruch. The letter reads: "My dear Mr. Rosenbloom: It was nice to hear from you and to know that the decision you made was the right one. I am sure it was. When you are back, come and see me. I shall be glad to renew what to me was a very pleasant relationship. Yours very sincerely, [signed] Bernard M. Baruch." The second letter, from Franklin Roosevelt, Jr. to Rosenbloom, dated June 20, 1949, reads: "Dear Morry: I'm sorry that my trip to Israel made it impossible for me to write you sooner to thank you for your generous assistance during my campaign. I am sure you know how much this kind of help means to any campaign. Thank you, too, for the nice telegram with congratulations and good wishes on my election to Congress. I appreciated the kind words. Hope to see you soon to tell you personally how much I appreciated your help and support. Warm regards to you, as always, Sincerely, [signed] Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr." The photograph of Baruch and FDR, Jr. is inscribed "To Lt. Rosenbloom with my highest regards. B.M. Baruch" and "For my old friend Morry. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr." Baruch was a prominent advisor to FDR. Rosenbloom occupied several high level government posts during the 1940s and 1950s, and Eleanor Roosevelt wrote the introduction to his biography of Baruch. FDR, Jr. had a political career of his own, serving in congress from 1949 to 1955, and holding several posts in the Kennedy and Johnson administrations.

Light soiling to one letter, minor sunning to photograph, all three pieces mounted to old matting board. Extremely good.

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