Pictorial Review: Vaad Hatzala

Rabbi Nathan BARUCH

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Item#: 33080 price:$1,500.00

Pictorial Review: Vaad Hatzala


(BARUCH, Rabbi Nathan). Pictorial Review: Vaad Hatzala. Germany: 1948. Quarto, modern three-quarter black morocco, raised bands, gilt-stamped spine, marbled boards and endpapers. $1500.

Early edition of this photographic journal of the work of the Orthodox Committee for the Rescue of Immigrant Children, a Holocaust rescue organization.

This collection, containing hundreds of photographic illustrations and reproductions of letters, depicts the post-war rescue activities of this Orthodox organization, which included establishing orphanages, Displaced Persons camps and yeshivas, as well as distributing ritual necessities and arranging non-quota immigration for rabbis. Documents the determined efforts of a section of European Jewry to reconstitute itself religiously after the Holocaust.

Paper repair to initial and concluding leaves, binding fine.

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