Holy Bible

BIBLE   |   Isaac FRANKS

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Holy Bible
Holy Bible


(FRANKS, Isaac) BIBLE. The Holy Bible, Containing the Old Testament, and the New… Oxford: Printed at the Clarendon Press, 1788. Thick 16mo (3 by 5-1/2 inches), early 20th-century three-quarter brown morocco gilt, raised bands.

1788 Oxford edition of the King James Bible, belonging to Colonel Isaac Franks, noted Jewish American patriot and associate of George Washington, who stayed in Franks’ home during the 1793-94 Philadelphia yellow fever epidemic.

This late-18th century edition of the King James Bible hails from the library of Isaac Franks, a prominent Jewish American patriot (and practicing Christian). “At the outbreak of the war in June 1776, when only seventeen years old, [Isaac] enlisted in Colonel Lesher’s regiment, New York Volunteers, and served with it in the battle of Long Island; on September 15 of the same year he was taken prisoner at the capture of New York, but effected his escape after three months’ detention. In 1777 he was appointed to the quartermaster’s department, and in January 1778, he was made forage-master, being stationed at West Point until February 22, 1781, when he was appointed by Congress ensign in the Seventh Massachusetts Regiment; he continued in that capacity until July 1782… In 1794 Governor Mifflin commissioned him lieutenant colonel of the Second Regiment, Philadelphia county. It was in his house at Germantown, a suburb of Philadelphia, that President Washington resided during the prevalence of yellow fever in the city in 1793” (1906 Jewish Encyclopedia). “Another solid indicator that Colonel Franks had arrived as an esteemed member of the upper crust of Philadelphia society occurred when his portrait was painted by Gilbert Stuart—his neighbor in Germantown for a brief time—with the famous artist’s personal inscription” (Hirschfeld, 127). Separate New Testament title page, also dated 1788. Leaves 2G3-2G4 misbound, all text present. Without last leaf [2Q12]. Does not include Apocrypha. Darlow & Moule 942. Herbert 1328. Franks’ owner signature to title page and first leaf. Manuscript family record to verso of general and New Testament title pages.

Small hole to title page, affecting “B” of “BIBLE.” Occasional light dampstaining. Marginal restoration to title page, first and final few leaves.

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