Boubat de Boubat

Edouard BOUBAT

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Item#: 61212 price:$1,300.00

Boubat de Boubat


BOUBAT, Edouard. Les Boubat de Boubat. (Paris): Belfond, (1989). Small folio, original gray cloth, original photographic dust jacket, original slipcase. $1300.

First edition, a retrospective of Boubat’s signature images, warmly inscribed on the half title to his longtime colleague, Paris-based photojournalist Peter Turnley, “Pour Peter, qui invente Paris, qui invente le monde et trouve l’amitie avec la lumiere, Edouard, 14 Nov. 1993” (For Peter, who invents Paris, who invents the world and discovers friendship with light), with over 100 black-and-white photographs from Boubat’s distinguished career.

Édouard Boubat (1923-99) shared with his contemporaries— Cartier-Bresson, Doisneau, Ronis and Izis— an ability to make "the commonplace become the noteworthy and the extraordinary." In a career that spanned five decades, Boubat became "one of France's most celebrated postwar photographers." This luminous collection of over 100 photographic images from Boubat's travels around the world affirms those qualities that "earned him the nickname of peace correspondent, given to him by the French poet Jacques Prevert" (New York Times). Text in French. Inscribed by Boubat to noted Newsweek and Life photojournalist Peter Turnley, who was first befriended by the photographer in

1975, sparking a close friendship that lasted until Boubat's death in 1999.

A fine association copy, scarce in original slipcase.

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