Living History

Hillary Rodham CLINTON

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Item#: 111119 price:$1,000.00

Living History
Living History


CLINTON, Hillary Rodham. Living History. New York: Simon & Schuster, (2003). Octavo, original half black paper boards, original dust jacket. $1000.

First trade edition of Clinton’s “chart of her own course through unexplored terrain… [becoming] an emblem for some and a lightning rod for others,” boldly inscribed in blue felt pen by her on the title page: "To D— J— C—— with best wishes—Hillary Rodham Clinton."

"Enough information and personality to appeal to people on both sides of the political fence" (Publishers Weekly). With 16 pages of black-and-white photographic illustrations. Preceded by the signed limited edition of 1500 copies.

A fine inscribed copy.

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