Laughing Anne


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Item#: 124067 price:$1,200.00

Laughing Anne
Laughing Anne


CONRAD, Joseph. Laughing Anne. London: (The Bookman's Journal), 1923. Octavo, original full vellum, top edge gilt, untrimmed, original clamshell box. $1200.

Signed limited edition of Conrad's play, number 168 of only 200 copies signed by Conrad, printed on Kelmscott handmade paper and bound in full vellum.

"Laughing Anne is a dramatization of Conrad's story 'Because of the Dollars' from the collection Within the Tides (1915). The dramatized version of the story was completed in December 1921 but, as John Galsworthy notes in his preface to the later publication of the play in Laughing Anne & One Day More, it presents physical drawbacks which will not go down on the stage. The play was never represented" (Cagle). Cagle A59. Bookplate on box.

Some mild toning to cloth box, book fine.

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