Poesies de Francois Coppee 1864-1869

Francois COPPEE

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Item#: 870 price:$550.00

Poesies de Francois Coppee 1864-1869


COPPEE, Francois. Poesies de François Coppée 1864-1869, Le Reliquaire-Intimites-Poems modernes-La Greve des Forgerons. Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, 1873. Five volumes. 12mo, contemporary three-quarter blue morocco gilt, marbled boards and endpapers, top edges gilt. $550.

Early edition of François Coppée, “poet of the people.”

Known as “le poète des humbles,” Coppée elevated of the lives of the Parisian bourgeoisie to high art. Not surprisingly, his work achieved great popular appeal. This collection of early poetry pre-dates his famous Les Humbles (1872).

Very good set, beautifully bound.

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