Story of My Life

Clarence DARROW

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Item#: 127697 price:$3,200.00

Story of My Life
Story of My Life
Story of My Life


DARROW, Clarence. The Story of My Life. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1932. Octavo, original blue cloth, original dust jacket. $3200.

First trade edition of Darrow's autobiography, signed by him on the half title.

"When Clarence Darrow died in 1938 at the age of 81, few disputed that he was one of the great advocates of his generation. There were other lawyers in his lifetime who contributed more to the development of legal science, who rose to positions of greater influence, or who won larger financial rewards, but perhaps none who could equal Darrow's eloquence before a jury or who could match his record as a rough and tumble crusader for the common man" (NYU, 1078). Darrow's "Story of My Life is still must reading for all citizens who care about liberties and our legal system" (Alan Dershowitz). With photographic frontispiece and nine pages of illustrations. First issue, with Scribner's "A" on copyright page. Preceded by the same year's signed limited edition.

Book nearly fine; price-clipped dust jacket very good with light rubbing, tape repairs to verso.

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