Which Road to the Past?

Robert William FOGEL   |   G.R. ELTON

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Item#: 53323 price:$750.00

Which Road to the Past?


FOGEL, Robert William and ELTON, G.R. Which Road to the Past? Two Views of History. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, (1983). Octavo, original blue cloth, original dust jacket. $750.

First edition, signed on the half title by Nobel Prize-winning economist Robert William Fogel.

This work contains long essays by acclaimed historians Robert William Fogel and G.R. Elton that compare and contrast the competing traditionalist and cliometric approaches to historical study. In 1993, Fogel was co-recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economics, which he won for developing "'new economic history,' or cliometrics, i.e. research that combines economic theory, quantitative methods, hypothesis testing, counterfactual alternatives and traditional techniques of economic history, to explain economic growth and decline" (Nobel press release). Scholarly pencil annotations to text and to rear panel of dust jacket.

A lovely signed copy.

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