Without Consent or Contract

Robert William FOGEL

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Item#: 53327 price:$850.00

Without Consent or Contract


FOGEL, Robert William. Without Consent or Contract. The Rise and Fall of America Slavery. New York and London: W.W. Norton, (1989). Thick octavo, original half gray cloth, original dust jacket. $850.

First edition of Fogel’s comprehensive history of slavery, signed by him on the half title.

Responding to allegations that Time on the Cross was an implied endorsement of slavery, Fogel wrote this work, tracing the history of slavery and the moral evolution that led to its end. In 1993, Fogel was co-recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economics, which he won for developing "'new economic history,' or cliometrics, i.e. research that combines economic theory, quantitative methods, hypothesis testing, counterfactual alternatives and traditional techniques of economic history, to explain economic growth and decline" (Nobel press release).

A fine signed copy.

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