Archive of White House internal memoranda, initialed by Ford

Gerald R. FORD

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Item#: 56294 price:$3,800.00

Archive of White House internal memoranda, initialed by Ford


FORD, Gerald R. Archive of White House internal memoranda, initialed by Ford. Washington: White House Editorial Office, 1974-75. Eight pieces altogether. Four original two-page typed memoranda on White House stationery; two clearance forms; two sheets of White House notepaper. $3800.

Collection of original internal memoranda and office forms, initialed by the President, including backgrounders for upcoming visits to South Carolina, West Virginia and Tennessee, and a draft telegram announcing the 55mph speed limit. Copies belonging to speechwriter Paul A. Theis.

Gerald Ford served as President during one of the most volatile periods of American history. He was faced with the aftermath of the Watergate scandal and the military withdrawal from Vietnam. On top of that, the nation was experiencing run-away inflation, 7.5 % unemployment, a serious crisis in energy, and an increased crime-rate. To address these issues, Ford made numerous appearances at State Fairs and Annual Festivals, delivering short speeches, particularly on inflation and the energy crisis. This collection contains three backgrounders for such visits, providing the President with details about the given venue and suggesting appropriate content for his speech. Included also is a typed draft of a telegram to be sent to all governors, mayors, and county executives, regarding energy conservation and the imposition of the 55mph speed limit. One of the initialed clearance forms was originally attached to the speech that established Martin Luther King Day. The former owner of these original internal communications, speechwriter Paul Theis, came to the White House from the Republican National Congressional Committee, where he directed public relations activities. He served as Executive Editor in the White House Editorial Office from 1974 to 1976, which included heading up the White House speechwriting unit. Theis oversaw the production of about 12 major speeches per month for Ford.

A bit of paper-clip rust on most sheets. A historic archive of presidential documents in near-fine condition.

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