Lines of My Hand

Robert FRANK

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Item#: 66376 price:$1,200.00

Lines of My Hand


FRANK, Robert. Lines of My Hand. (New York: Lustrum, 1972). Tall quarto, original stiff photographic wrappers. $1200.

First American edition of Frank’s autobiography in photographs.

Kerouac said Robert Frank “sucked a sad poem right out of America onto film, taking rank among the tragic poets of the world.” This candid book includes images from Frank’s best-known work, Les Americains (1958) along with many of Frank’s family and those made during years of travel across Europe, Peru and England. First American edition by photographer Ralph Gibson’s Lustrum Press, the influential publisher dedicated to “the personal documentary, stream-of-consciousness style,” which made its most memorable contribution “to the history of the photobook” with this edition of Frank’s Lines of My Hand. Preceded by deluxe boxed edition published in Japan the same year (Parr & Badger I:237). See Open Book, 286.

Images fine, light edge-wear to original wrappers. Near-fine condition.

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