Agadeta de-Fis-ha


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Item#: 29602 price:$3,800.00

Agadeta de-Fis-ha


(HAGGADAH). Agadeta de-Fis-ha. WITH (laid in): Agadeta de-Fis-ha. Yemen: no date, late 19th century and early 20th century. Small quarto, modern full tree calf; ff. (29); octavo, unbound, original stitching; ff. (12). $3800.

Beautiful 19th-century manuscript Passover Haggadah from Yemen, written entirely by hand in Yemenite square and cursive script in brown ink, accompanied by a smaller and slightly later Haggadah neatly executed in square script.

"The Yemenite-Jewish community has preserved many ancient customs in various aspects of religious practice which trace their origins back to ancient times and sources. Among these are many ancient customs relating to the Passover Seder night, some of which originated in Eretz Yisrael, a fact which was already been noted by a number of scholars. It is also well-known that many examples of linguistic features which are characteristic of the language of [the] Sages are preserved in the Yemenite Haggadah" (Zemach Keissar, Bar-Ilan University). This very finely handwritten Passover Haggadah includes the classical Yemenite commentary Etz Chaim by R. Yahya Zalach, along with the Ashkenazic commentaries Shelah, Matteh Aharon and Ketonet Passim. With a smaller Yemenite Agadeta de-Fis-ha laid into the larger volume, without commentaries, written entirely by hand in square script.

Smaller manuscript with a few stains. Beautiful quarto-size manuscript with light thumbing, a few tiny wormholes, one marginal paper repair; binding quite attractive. Two very nice manuscript Haggadot from the distinctive Yemenite tradition in very good condition.

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