Spanish Conquest in America

Arthur HELPS

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Item#: 80100 price:$900.00

Spanish Conquest in America


HELPS, Arthur. The Spanish Conquest in America and its Relation to the History of Slavery and to the Government of Colonies. London: John W. Parker and Son, 185561. Four volumes. Octavo, mid-20th century three-quarter brown morocco gilt, raised bands, marbled boards and endpapers, top edges gilt. $900.

First edition of this account, by Queen Victoria’s clerk of privy council, of the Spanish exploration and conquest of the Americas, illustrated with several maps (two folding), handsomely bound by Kaufmann.

"The whole of this work is devoted to a history of the relations of the Indians of America to its Spanish invaders; and the effect of their occupation, and conquest upon the population, religion and manners of the aborigines. The various narratives and histories, which describe the awful destruction of many Indian nations by the Spaniards, are criticised with true philosophical acumen, and the veracity and capability of their authors fairly examined. It treats the whole story of the Indians and their conquerors, during the sixty years which immediately succeeded the discovery, in that continuous narrative style, by which our curiosity is aroused, and our interest perpetuated, without losing the dignity of veracious history. The mind of the learned is born only of the wedlock of humanity and scholarship. Every page affords evidence of historical lore, and almost every sentence glows with the warmth of his philanthropy" (Field 682). "This work expands Helps' previous two-volume work, The Conquerors of the New World and their Bondsmen, 1848-52" (Hill 795). Sabin 31280. Eberstadt 115:496. Bookplates.

Occasional light foxing. Light rubbing to spine ends and boards. A near-fine set, handsomely bound.

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