Lehrprinz oder Praktische Abhandlung von dem Leithund

Carl von HEPPE

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Item#: 75548 price:$1,350.00

Lehrprinz oder Praktische Abhandlung von dem Leithund


HEPPE, Carl von. Aufrichtiger Lehrprinz oder Praktische Abhandlung von dem Leithund, als dem Fundament der edlen hirschgerechten Jägeren. Augsburg: Johann Jacob Lotters Erben, 1751. Small octavo, contemporary three-quarter vellum, manuscript ink title to spine, marbled boards. $1350.

First and only edition of this early work on training dogs for stag hunting, with engraved frontispiece and folding engraved plate by Tobias Lobeck.

“No doubt at the time a valuable manual for huntsmen on the use of the led-hound. The hound was kept always in the leash and was used in tracking wild animals to their haunts… Training begins when the dog is but a few weeks old, and from that time he is in every way possible accustomed to the scent of the game he is intended to track” (Le Rossignol, “The Training of Animals,” in The American Journal of Psychology, Volume V, October 1892). Text in German. Title page printed in red and black; text in Gothic type. Ex-libris Yale University Library, with its bookplate, stamped duplicate; remnant of paper shelf label on foot of spine. Old owner signature and German library ink stamp to title page.

One-inch tear to title page, just affecting last two letters of one word only (“Lehrprinz”); small hole to dedication leaf. Text generally clean, engravings fine. Light rub to spine head. A very good copy in contemporary binding.

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