Prince Charles Edward

Andrew LANG

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Item#: 107195 price:$1,700.00

Prince Charles Edward
Prince Charles Edward


LANG, Andrew. Prince Charles Edward. London, Paris, New York, Edinburgh: Goupil, 1900. Folio (10 by 13 inches), contemporary full vellum gilt, brown morocco spine label, top edge gilt, uncut. $1700.

Limited edition, number 358 of 1500 copies on fine paper of this richly illustrated biography of “Bonnie Prince Charlie,” with a fine hand-colored frontispiece and 47 photogravure plates, handsomely bound in full vellum gilt by Bumpus.

Written by Scottish man of letters Andrew Lang, this biography of Prince Charles Edward was undoubtedly "his best historical composition. He had been a Jacobite from boyhood, yet he had no illusions about the prince" (DNB). The candid tone and wealth of historical detail combine to make this a work of great interest and value about the Prince.

A fine copy.

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