Cock Fight Dance


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Item#: 67952 price:$450.00

Cock Fight Dance
Cock Fight Dance
Cock Fight Dance


LEWITT, Sol. Cock Fight Dance. (New York): Rizzoli & Multiples, 1980. 12mo, original stiff white paper covers. $450.

First edition of this intriguing photographic sequence of a cock fight— uncharacteristic of LeWitt.

"LeWitt has never forsaken the fundamental approach that he developed in the 1960s, emphasizing ideas over psychological expression… Over the years, however, his work has grown more complex in its effect and more complicated in its execution. The work from the 1960s is the most austere and straightforward, while work from the 1970s inventively compounds the ideas and forms of the prior decade. The early 1980s saw a marked shift involving sensual color and surfaces, and a more explicitly expressive overall character" (San Francisco MoMA). This collection of images of a cock fight fits this latter style, but is nonetheless quite different from his other works of the same period. His current style of using grids is thought to be "as important for drawing as Pollock's use of the drip technique had been for painting in the 1950s" (Bernice Rose).

Interior fine, text block expertly repaired, only lightest soiling to original paper covers.

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