Lincoln Preface

Abraham LINCOLN   |   Carl SANDBURG

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Item#: 126427 price:$450.00

Lincoln Preface
Lincoln Preface


(LINCOLN, Abraham) SANDBURG, Carl. A Lincoln Preface. New York: Harcourt, Brace, (1954). Small octavo, original patterned boards, pp. 16. $450.

Limited first edition, one of 2850 copies privately printed "for the friends of the author and his publishers," inscribed on the title page, "Brother Kestnbaum 'Where is center?' Carl Sandburg. 1954."

"Written in 1924 and then intended as part of a foreword to Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years. Such is the author's memorandum accompanying the script of this preface filed away in the publisher's archives… the preface as it appears here is unchanged from its original form and is presented here as a piece of literary history." The recipient, Meyer Kestnbaum, was President of menswear manufacturer Hart, Schaffner & Marx and later served in the Eisenhower administration.

Fine condition.

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