Magazine cover signed


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Item#: 113363 price:$2,200.00

Magazine cover signed
Magazine cover signed


MACARTHUR, Douglas. Magazine cover signed. [New York: Time-Life], August 28, 1950. One folio sheet, measuring 10-1/2 by 14 inches. $2200.

Original cover of Life Magazine with portrait of MacArthur, signed by him across the front of his uniform.

"MacArthur's career was one of the longest and most controversial of any American military figure, including active service as a general from 1918 to 1951. His genius as a leader was demonstrated most lucidly in his pioneering reforms as West Point superintendent; his bold and imaginative campaigns, with minimum logistical support, during the war against Japan; and, perhaps most important, his enlightened administration of the Japanese occupation" (DAB). Mailing label for enlisted soldier.

Bright and very nearly fine.

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