Oeuvres Completes Illustrees

Alfred de MUSSET

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Item#: 79313 price:$900.00

Oeuvres Completes Illustrees
Oeuvres Completes Illustrees
Oeuvres Completes Illustrees


MUSSET, Alfred de. Oeuvres Completes Illustrees de Alfred de Musset. Paris: Librairie de France, 1927-29. Eight volumes. Large octavo, contemporary three-quarter navy morocco gilt, raised bands, burgundy morocco labels, marbled boards and endpapers, top edges gilt, uncut and partially unopened. $900.

Complete works of Alfred de Musset, generously illustrated with plates (many in color) by Charles Martin.

"Musset is usually classed with Hugo, Lamartine, and Vigny as one of the four great figures of the Romantic Movement" (Harvey & Heseltine, 502). Included are "Premieres Poesies" and "Poesies Nouvelles" (his poems from 1828 to 1852), "Comedies et Proverbes," "Contes et Nouvelles," and "La Confession du Enfant du Siecle." For this last he is perhaps most remembered; it contains what is probably a true account of Musset's relations with George Sand, and reflects his revulsion of the Bonapartist ideas under which he had been raised. With plates by Charles Martin, representing some of the finest work of that Art Deco fashion illustrator, whose style quickly evolved to embrace the modernity of Harper's Bazaar, Vogue and the Gazette du Bon Ton. Original brown paper wrappers bound in. Text in French. Benezit 7, 211.

Interiors fine, contemporary morocco handsome. A fine set.

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