(MANN, Thomas) ROLLAND, Romain, et al. Spanien, Menschen in Not (Spain, People in Need). [Zürich: Schweizer Arbeiterkinder-Hilfswerk, 1937]. Slim folio, original illustrated self-covers; pp. 48.
Scarce early printing of this revealing photo-documentary of the Spanish Civil War, designed to raise humanitarian awareness among Germans, with photographs of the devastation on every page and a contribution by activist author Thomas Mann.
A military revolt led by Franco in July of 1936 eventually grew into the Spanish Civil War. From early on, Franco received the support of the German Legion Condor. “The Spanish war as a people’s war was the most potent and emotionally engaging focus of the hopes and fears of democratic forces worldwide… It was also a war in which authors played an important role” (Janet Perez). This appeal to the German people for humanitarian support of Spanish citizens affected by the war, especially the children, includes contributions by French dramatist Romain Rolland and both Heinrich and Thomas Mann: “Deutsche Mütter” (German Mothers) and “Nachwort” (Epilogue), respectively. Thomas was awarded the 1929 Nobel Prize in Literature and traveled abroad frequently to participate in conferences. In 1933 he decided not to return to Germany because of Hitler’s politics. During the Spanish Civil War, he actually registered to fight on the Republican side, but was too old to serve. Third printing, issued the same year as the first.
Loss of bottom corners of two leaves (affecting only the page numbers). A near-fine copy. Scarce.