Poetical Works

Walter SCOTT

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Item#: 122772 price:$4,500.00

Poetical Works
Poetical Works
Poetical Works
Poetical Works
Poetical Works


SCOTT, Walter. The Poetical Works. New York and London: (Chiswick Press), circa 1892. Five volumes. 12mo, contemporary full crimson morocco, elaborately gilt-decorated spines and covers with floral designs incorporating blue, green and white morocco inlays, green morocco-gilt doublures with red morocco inlays in a floral design, raised bands, watered silk endpapers, all edges gilt. $4500.

Later Aldine edition of the poems of Walter Scott, with portrait of the poet and extra-illustrated with 25 window-mounted engravings, 11 hand-colored, splendidly bound in full morocco-gilt with multi-colored morocco inlays in floral designs.

"Lang wrote of Scott's poetry, 'He was the Last Minstrel, the latest, greatest, the noblest of natural poets concerned with natural things'" (Kunitz & Haycraft, 547). With a biography of Scott and an Index of first lines. The "Aldine" edition of British poets, first brought out by the publisher William Pickering beginning in 1830, aimed to introduce scholarly editions of the classics in a smaller, more affordable format.

A splendidly bound, extra-illustrated set in fine condition.

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