Pleasures and Terrors


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Item#: 50338 price:$700.00

Pleasures and Terrors


(SISKIND, Aaron) CHIARENZA, Carl. Aaron Siskind: Pleasures and Terrors. Boston: Little, Brown, 1982. Tall quarto, original brown cloth, original dust jacket. $700.

First edition, illustrated with 74 duotone and 198 halftone plates, signed by Siskind on the flyleaf. Additionally inscribed on the title page by James Enyeart, who wrote the Foreword, and Arthur Thornhill, chairman of Little, Brown.

In his introduction to this biography of Siskind, art historian Carl Chiarenza writes: “Through his use of form, emotional timbre, and iconography, Siskind’s work reflects one man’s struggle to understand his life in relation to the world. His imagery, on one level, is autobiographical, encompassing all the many political, social, sexual, aesthetic, and introspective observations of a long and complex life.” Published in conjunction with a major retrospective of Siskind’s work at the Center for Creative Photography at the University of Arizona.

A fine signed copy.

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