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Human Work

Charlotte Perkins GILMAN

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Item#: 114727 price:$750.00

Human Work


GILMAN, Charlotte Perkins. Human Work. New York: McClure, Phillips, 1904. Quarto, original gilt-stamped brown cloth. $750.

First edition of Gilman's major fourth non-fiction work, seen by her as her "greatest work," a splendid copy in original cloth.

Recognized as "the leading intellectual in the women's movement," Charlotte Perkins Gilman followed her groundbreaking Women and Economics (1898) with this expanded study that offered a more "specifically economic focus on women's plight" (Kimmel & Aronson, "Introduction," Women and Economics). "Gilman herself considered Human Work, which never had adequate publication, her greatest work" (New York Times). Title page with "McClure Phillips & Co." imprint; spine end with "Doubleday Page & Co" imprint. The first edition of Human Work in original cloth is found with either "McClure, Philips & Co." or "Doubleday Page & Co." on the spine end. Bibliographic priority is undetermined, but the latter is sometimes seen as a second binding. In 1897 Frank N. Doubleday, in partnership with magazine publisher Samuel McClure, founded Doubleday & McClure. McClure's business partner John S. Phillips, who had co-founded McClure's Magazine with him, also became involved. Doubleday and McClure's partnership only lasted three years, and in 1900 the company became Doubleday, Page & Co. when Walter Hines Page joined as a new partner (Davis, Charlotte Perkins Gilman: A Biography). As issued without dust jacket. Scharnhorst 1104.

Mere trace of edge-wear to bright gilt cloth. A fine copy.

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