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Problems of Lasting Peace

Herbert HOOVER   |   Hugh GIBSON

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Item#: 101149 price:$1,500.00

Problems of Lasting Peace
Problems of Lasting Peace


HOOVER, Herbert and GIBSON, Hugh. The Problems of Lasting Peace. Garden City: Doubleday, Doran, 1943. Octavo, original blue cloth, original dust jacket. $1500.

First revised edition, issued only months after the first edition, inscribed by Hoover to longtime friend, financier and philanthropist: “To James A. Healy With the Good Wishes of Herbert Hoover" and beneath that, in Gibson’s hand, “& Hugh Gibson.”

This thoughtful and timely work of statesmanship was written in the midst of WWII by former President Hoover and diplomat Hugh Gibson. Addressing the pressing need for postwar planning, they noted that "if democracy is to live… the purpose of this war, the most terrible of three centuries, is to make a lasting peace." First revised edition published in January 1943: initially issued in May 1942. With tipped-in leaf stating: "The Compliments of The Hoover Library on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University, California." Hoover and this copy's recipient, renowned philanthropist and financier James A. Healy, met during WWI when Healy was secretary to the Director of the Commission for Relief in Belgium (CRB), chaired by Hoover, and the two "became lifelong friends." Healy, who was "dedicated to promoting Irish history and culture… built up a collection of modern Irish history at the Hoover Institution in Stanford University" (Colby). Small institutional inkstamp to gutter edge of preface leaf.

Only light edge-wear to dust jacket. A scarce inscribed about-fine copy.

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