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Isaac WALTON   |   Richard HOOKER

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Item#: 53551 price:$650.00



HOOKER, Richard. The Works. Oxford: at the University Press, 1841. Three volumes. Octavo, late 19th-century three-quarter speckled tan calf, elaborately gilt-decorated spines, raised bands, green and tan morocco spine labels, marbled boards, endpapers and edges. $650.

Later edition, with folding chart and facsimile, handsomely bound.

Hooker's monumental Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity "formed the basis of Locke's Treatise of Civil Government and can thus be considered the first statement of the principles behind the Constitution of England" (PMM 104). "Hooker's work represents not only a solid compendium of philosophical ideas in support of ecclesiastical and secular hierarchy, but a reasoned proposal for an open and tolerant society based on mutual love and respect. The work is recognized as a monument of English prose style… it represents the high-water mark of a prose that is at once lucid and elegant, formally balanced and yet forceful and flowing" (Ruoff, 217). The influence of Hooker's work, both directly and indirectly through the considerable influence of Locke's Two Treatises, extends as well to the foundation of American constitutionalism. "Madison and the other framers made frequent reference to Calvin, Richard Hooker, and the New England divines in their political writings, and were vitally aware of the long history of compacts in America" (Lutz & Warren, A Covenanted People, 64). Includes Isaac Walton's biography of Hooker—"the best life" (Ruoff)— and numerous sermons by Hooker. Hooker originally conceived of the Laws in eight books, but published only five before his death in 1600. Books six and eight were first published in 1648 and book seven in 1661. Armorial bookplates, early owner signatures. Occasional marginal pencil and ink notations.

Interior fine, light rubbing to joints of handsome calf bindings.

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