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Chambers's Repository of Instructive and Amusing Tracts

Robert CHAMBERS   |   William CHAMBERS

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Item#: 81424 price:$950.00

Chambers&#39;s Repository of Instructive and Amusing Tracts


CHAMBERS, Robert and William. Chambers’s Repository of Instructive and Amusing Tracts. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1856. Five volumes. 12mo, contemporary three-quarter brown pebbled morocco gilt, raised bands, orange morocco spine labels, marbled boards, endpapers and edges. $950.

First American edition of this collection of fascinating stories from world history and literature, with numerous wood-engraved illustrations throughout, handsomely bound.

The many articles include dramatic non-fiction, historical essays, travel writing, biographies, and synopses of world literature. First published in Edinburgh in 1854, this American edition uses the sheets from that printing. Volume V bound without title page. Armorial bookplate; contemporary binder’s ticket in rear of each volume.

Minor age-wear. A near-fine and handsome set.

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