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Exact Abridgement of the Records in the Tower of London


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Item#: 127778 price:$950.00

Exact Abridgement of the Records in the Tower of London
Exact Abridgement of the Records in the Tower of London


COTTON, Robert (PRYNNE, William, editor). An Exact Abridgement of the Records in the Tower of London, from the Reign of King Edward the Second, unto King Richard the Third… Being of Great Use for all that Are Concerned in Parliamentary Affairs, and Professors of the Laws of this Realm. London: T. Basset, and C. Harper, 1689. Folio (9 by 13 inches), period-style full brown paneled calf, raised bands, red morocco spine label. $950.

Third edition, the last 17th-century edition, of one of two valuable works highlighted by Holdsworth as the fruits of Prynne's scholarship in publishing the previously unprinted public records of the Kingdom—the records were collected by Robert Cotton, and "revised, rectified in sundry mistakes, and supplied with a preface" by William Prynne. A handsome folio volume in period-style paneled calf.

Cotton—"the greatest antiquary and collector of books and manuscript of the period" (Holdsworth)—amassed an unequaled library in his lifetime, which was at the disposal of such figures as Ben Jonson, Bacon, Selden, Camden, Speed and Raleigh, representative of what Maitland described as "the heroic age of English legal scholarship" (Holdsworth). "Cotton published little under his own name during his life, which perhaps reflects his involvement in the political affairs of the time. He advised a succession of leading politicians of his day, including James I and Charles I… Cotton did however have time to talk to other antiquarians and scholars, engage in an extensive correspondence with his counterparts in foreign lands, and above all to act as a source for many scholars engaged in their own work. The published acknowledgements of 17th-century writers testify to his pre-eminent role as a facilitator of scholarship" (ODNB). First published in 1657; the second edition appeared in 1679. Wing C-6491. Lowndes, 534. See Holdsworth, Sources and Literature of English Law, 147-48. Small ink annotation to lower margin of title page; occasional ink marginalia in a neat early hand.

Neatly repaired tear to title page; occasional light foxing. Minor spotting to spine. A very good copy of this folio edition.

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